Sunday, December 12, 2010

We have a toddler!

Who, me?

We know we have a toddler when...
  1. The word "yes" becomes part of their vocabulary. Miles has been saying "no" in his sweet little voice for quite awhile but now also vigorously shakes his head up and down to indicate the affirmative. Miles, do you want to go night-night? "No!" Do you want some broccoli? "No!" Did you go poo-poo in your pants? (Vigorous head shake up and down.)

  2. Stalling tactics are applied during bedtime routine. Miles' typical bedtime has been between 6-6:30 pm. We always put his pajamas on, brush teeth, read books, sing a song and lay him in bed. One night this week he wanted nothing to do with this. Mike tried going through the routine but he screamed when placed in the crib. He then indicated through sign language that he wanted "something to drink please." We got him a cup of water and read him another story. As soon as the story was finished he signed "more, please." Five books later he stood up on the couch and started slapping his knees and clapping his hands - doing all of the hand motions to a song we often sing. He sure looked cute and it was hard not to smile but Mike and I realized the bedtime stalling tactics and manipulation of mommy and daddy have truly begun! We've since pushed his bedtime back to 7:00 pm with much success.

  3. We pass toys in a store and he wants them. Today in Target Miles was sitting in the cart watching the world go by when we passed a toy aisle. All of a sudden he started emphatically pointing and grunting indicating he wanted them. This has never happened before and I quickly wheeled the cart in a different direction. Our next stop was Costco where we actually bought an adorable little toy for someone on our Christmas list. Miles had a complete meltdown because he wanted that toy for himself. My first inclination is to give in and buy him a toy but Mike and I held strong and finished our errands without caving into Miles' desire of the moment. We sure do love our toddler though!

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