Happy Father's Day everyone! Miles and I made a special breakfast for Mike this morning - biscuits and gravy then Mike and Miles spent some quality time playing on the floor while I finished cleaning the house. This afternoon, Mike spent some needed time alone by road tripping to WI for some beer (he's a hard core home brewer!) and then watched the Twins. Miles loves playing trucks with his daddy and getting rides on his mini car with daddy pushing him along from behind.
This week our family received our first box of organic produce from the CSA (community supported agriculture) we belong to, Cramer Organics. In the box was beautiful lettuce, spinach, kale, swiss chard, 3 varietys of radishes, parsely, kolhrabi and black beans. Getting all of these delicious veggies is not only a healthy choice for our family but is forcing us to eat and cook outside of our comfort zones. For example, tonight we all enjoyed (yes, Miles included) creamy, cooked kolhrabi and sauteed greens. We're looking forward to what we'll receive next week!
This week our family received our first box of organic produce from the CSA (community supported agriculture) we belong to, Cramer Organics. In the box was beautiful lettuce, spinach, kale, swiss chard, 3 varietys of radishes, parsely, kolhrabi and black beans. Getting all of these delicious veggies is not only a healthy choice for our family but is forcing us to eat and cook outside of our comfort zones. For example, tonight we all enjoyed (yes, Miles included) creamy, cooked kolhrabi and sauteed greens. We're looking forward to what we'll receive next week!
Miles' personality continues to emerge more and more everyday. He's currently in a flinging stage; done with dinner - fling food on floor, ready for milk - fling pacifier on floor, done with book - fling it on floor. This is still really new and cute for Mike and I so we try to suppress smiles when Miles flings things around. I can imagine that once our toes get crushed a few times by a flung sippy cup or we've picked up a toy for the millionth time that this new game might get a little old. For now - it's still really cute. I think he's just warming up his arm for a future in baseball. He's very good at throwing his ball and loves to play toss. He also is such a busy guy - Mike and I have been a little lax with baby proofing but Miles is so fast now and into everything (yes, he opened the cabinet doors today and was reaching for the cleaners!) that we need to put cabinet locks on everything and keep the baby gate up. He also surprised us by adeptly motoring up the stairs (I don't really remember teaching him this!) and he also, for the first time, pointed to a picture of a tractor in a book and made the "vroom vroom" sound. Miles surprises me and makes me laugh everyday.
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