Sunday, October 16, 2011

A day in the life of...mommy!

Mike and I crack up everyday at the things Miles says. Mile-isms this week:

  • When we pick him up at school we will often get him first and then pick up Hadley. He always asks us "Where my baby go?"

  • Every morning we wake up now and it's dark. "Where sun go, mommy?" In the morning we explain that the sun is just starting to wake up. At night - "where sun go, mommy?" We tell him, the sun is sleeping and you should be too!

  • On the way to school this week Mike reported that he piped up from the backseat "I miss Sarah."

  • Today we went to the Chanhassen Fire Station open house. Here's our conversation once we got home. Me: Miles, what was your favorite part of visiting the fire station - meeting Sparky the Dog, petting a horse, eating a cookie, or riding in a firetruck? Miles: eating a cookie. He did enjoy riding in the firetruck though - I don't know if he or I was more excited about this. It was cool!

  • This morning was Miles' first day at Sunday school. Miles likes church but not Sunday school - he was crying when I left him and crying when I picked him up. I was feeling very bad about this (as I replayed the images of me leaving him at school and him crying and reaching for me my mind turned right to the worst case scenario and little Elian Gonzalez popped into my head. Anyway...). I was concerned that he was traumatized about it so I asked him a couple of times if he liked going to church and did he feel happy or sad about it. A few hours later we were home and he was happily playing by the fireplace and he said "I go to church. I happy mommy. Smile face." Then he made his goofy, fake smile face.

  • Getting dressed is sometimes a struggle because he likes running around in just his diaper. He says "I nudie daddy!"

If you have hair like this you have to rock the mohawk once in awhile.

This is what happens when mommy is feeding sister and daddy is making dinner. An unsupervised 2 year old will color his mouth and hands with blue marker.
Our little redhead turned 5 months old this week! Where has the time gone?! Hads is sitting up unassisted at moments. Here she is all on her own. Like every good 5 month old she is curious, curious, curious. Most of her 5 month photos are her grabbing at the paper - what is this crinkly thing? Everything goes right into her mouth lately. Foot - in the mouth, thumb - in the mouth, someone else's thumb - in the mouth, toys - in the mouth, pacifier - in the mouth. Her new thing this week is to rub her gums on anything that goes into her mouth. Instead of rubbing the object back and forth she shakes her head back and forth so that the object slides along her gums. Sometimes it's like an episode of America's Funniest Home Videos. We'll ask her question after questions such as - "Hadley, are you looking forward to Christmas?" She shakes her head vigorously no each time.

Her cheeks are so kissable and soft that Mike and I have been fighting over who gives her more kisses all weekend. She loves it when we smooch her cheeks and her belly.

Some of my favorite mama moments are snuggling and holding my babies tight. The kids are getting big so quickly - my moments of snuggling these two so closely are limited! I love these moments though and will forgo all household chores and other responsibilities to be in these moments.

Just like brother and daddy - she loves computing! (If only mommy could muster this enthusiasm when doing her work.)

Again, here's brother with the choke hold on sister. This is becoming their go-to picture pose.

So sweet - Miles was showing Hadley how to properly use a teething ring.

To continue the day in the life series I'll try to not make my life seem too glamorous this week!

6:00 am - Wake up, get ready for work.

6:40 am - Feed Hadley and get her ready for school.

7:00 am - On the road to work. If traffic is good I can get there in 30 minutes.

7:30 am - Work. Pump. Work. Pump. Work. Pump. Work.

4:00 pm - Make the 27 mile journey home - usually catching on with my sister, mom and/or Mike on the phone.

4:45 pm - Most nights I make dinner. So hopefully I've pre-planned carefully otherwise we just might be eating scrambled eggs, grilled cheese or frozen pizza. I do pull out some good dishes though - whole wheat pasta with homemade pesto, grilled chicken and garden tomatoes or grilled chicken breasts with romanesco and baked squash. (I love our CSA!)

5:15 pm - Eat dinner as a family.

5:45 pm - Feed Hadley.

6:00 pm - Play with the kids.

6:30 pm - Give Miles a bath and start bedtime routine.

7:00 pm - Read Miles books and put him to bed.

7:15 pm - Play with Hadley.

8:00 pm - Feed Hadley.

8:15 pm - If I'm not helping Mike clean the kitchen, pack lunches, etc. or working late on a project for work I like to read for my book club, watch reality tv (yes, sometimes the trashier the better), and plan fun, family activities for the upcoming weekend.

10:00 pm - Feed Hadley.

10:15 pm - Crash into bed - most nights too tired to even read!

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