Sunday, December 30, 2012

An Arizona Christmas

We had a very Merry and brown Christmas in Arizona this year.  Leaving the snow behind we flew to Phoenix on December 22 for a week of warmth and sun with Mike's family.  This was the first Christmas since I've known Mike that he and all of his sisters and parents were together for the holiday. 

We spent a lot of time in the sunshine - taking walks, sitting on the patio and going to the park.  One evening we visited a large Mormon temple in Mesa to see their huge Christmas light and nativity displays (by the crowd you would have thought we were at Disney World) .  Christmas Eve we went to Mike and Mariann's Methodist church for a beautiful service.  Miles was in awe of the children acting out the story of the birth of Jesus and Hadley snuggled in with Uncle Jim for a long evening nap.  Afterwards the kiddos went to bed and the adults had fun playing dice.  Christmas morning Miles and Hadley woke up early to find that Santa had delivered presents all the way to AZ for them.  Hadley got a bilingual cash register and Miles a digital camera.  For lunch there were 18 people celebrating around a table full of delicious food (turkey).  The rest of the day was spent opening many gifts (dolls 'babies', clothes, a purse and books for Hadley and a Jake video, trucks, AK socks and a transformer for Miles). 

The rest of our trip was spent relaxing with Bailey's and coffee in the mornings, visiting with friends, going to the Phoenix Zoo, feasting on an Alaskan King Crab dinner (Miles and Hadley are probably the only 3 and 1-year olds enjoying crab), and playing wild games of 'balls' at night.  We very much enjoyed our time with our AZ and AK relatives and hope they will all visit this summer (HINT, HINT!). 

Playing in Grandma and Grandpa's rock yard

Hadley and Miles enjoyed lots of cuddle and computer time with grandpa

Our little Christmas angel

The kids played balls and had fun with wild Auntie Annette and her Talking Tom app

All dressed up for Christmas Eve service

Loving every moment with the 'babas' (what Hadley calls her grandmas and grandpas)

After the service Miles insisted on taking a picture with the angels.

Ready to party Christmas Eve

Santa (or as Had's says "See-paw") came to AZ and found Miles and Hadley Christmas morning

So excited about his new camera - now he's just like mommy

Another hit were the homemade pillowcases which doubled as superhero capes from Grandma

Miles and his next oldest cousin, Sarah, on this side of the family

Preparing Christmas dinner


Hadley loves her uncles with facial hair!  She got a lot of snuggles with Jim

These two are little buddies but it's next to impossible to get a picture of the two of them together smiling and holding still

Mariann had a little Santa and Mrs. Claus that Hadley thought were her buddies all week

Our baby has started using the potty!  Here she went in the big potty for the first time.

Playing an Elmo game on the iPad

Cha-ching - doesn't everyone keep coins between their toes?

Miles and my friend Beth's son, Tyson, at the zoo.  Miles followed his big buddy around all day.

Me and Beth with our paci-loving girls

Reading stories with Grandma Gray

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